Working as a transdisciplinary scholar can be tricky: one can take neither authors nor audiences nor citation pools for granted. Neither is any proper question answered by saying you should have read what I have read. In that spirit I share what I am actively learning myself. I assume here that we have differential and on-going knowledges, that these take up their own range of details, and that we hope to companion well. Not assuming we all already know each other, I often characterize personal names briefly. Audiences of all kinds today are in the middle of actively diverging in practices as well as unpredictable in their circulations. Indeed, “author-ness” and its responsibilities to authorship and authority are dispersed, distributed, mixing up many collectives, playing among boundary objects whether they know it or not.
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- Shea, M. 2014. Personal communication. [Shea's touch with the transdisciplinary has been invaluable to my thinking here.]
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some image credits:
•Anzaldua La Nepantlera:
•Bateson photo, with permission, by Barry Schwartz:
•Caral proto-khipu:
•Chair: Mia Kos' Storytelling Chair:
•Crochet in Tree:
•Circles generated by app Bloom:
•Clay tokens & envelope:•Computer terminal:
•Computer terminal:
•FemTechNet logo:
•Khipu: from the Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin, Germany:
•Segmenting egg: P.M Motta & S. Makabe: Science Photo Library:
•US Senate:
•Water, Land, and Ecosystems Map:
Katie's drawings are made using Paper:
some image credits:
•Anzaldua La Nepantlera:
•Bateson photo, with permission, by Barry Schwartz:
•Caral proto-khipu:
•Chair: Mia Kos' Storytelling Chair:
•Crochet in Tree:
•Circles generated by app Bloom:
•Clay tokens & envelope:•Computer terminal:
•Computer terminal:
•FemTechNet logo:
•Khipu: from the Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin, Germany:
•Segmenting egg: P.M Motta & S. Makabe: Science Photo Library:
•US Senate:
•Water, Land, and Ecosystems Map:
Katie's drawings are made using Paper: